Friday, June 11, 2010

My favorite greek salad

A few years ago, while accompanying my husband during one of his training sessions in southern Oklahoma, I had a delicious Greek chicken salad at a darling little café. I have been craving it ever since, and it inspired me to experiment and create my own recipe. It's a family favorite, and now I'm sharing it with you! Enjoy! :)


  1. Chicken salads are my go-to salads, so thanks for sharing your recipe. And I had not heard of a peperoncini before now, so I've officially learned about a new food, too. Glad I found you through New Friend Friday.

  2. Great pics - Following you back. Like your button, what site did you use to make it?

  3. Jen in KS: nice to meet you! :)

    redethel: I made the button myself. You can use Adoe photoshop, but I was to lazy to go upstairs and use the computer I have it loaded on so I used the freeware Paint.NET and

    I used this tutorial to make the button

    And this tutorial to make the html scroll box

    I added the both codes, first the button, second the scroll box in the same blogger html gadget.

    I hope this helps! Let me know if you need any help with it! :)
