Thursday, June 17, 2010

Pretty as a postcard

Have you ever gone on vacation and found awesome postcards? I found these Hawaiian reproduction poscards on vacation a few years ago. I thought they were so fun! I didnt know what I would do with them and then I thought to use them for a colorful mat surrounding a photo from the trip. I love how it turned out! So colorful and distinctly Hawaiian!

This can be done in so many ways. You can use any momentos from a trip or occasion. I thought it would be fun to use some vintage postcards from antique stores. One of my favorite ideas is to do this with a wedding picture, surrounding it with old black-and-whites and sepia wedding photos of couples from both sides of the families (His and Her great-grandparents, grandparents, parents). See example I compiled below...

Inspired? All I did was layout the postcards and arrange them, then paste them right to the existing mat. If you have a poster-size frame you can just apply them straight to a piece of poster board, and do the same with the center photo (not technically a mat but that is what I used!). My frame is from IKEA.


  1. Very cool! These turned our beautiful!

  2. WOW! I love this idea! My mom has a bunch of old photos of our relatives in their wedding dresses and I just love looking at them. This is a great way to bring them all together and to enjoy them year-round! You are very talented Emily!
