Monday, June 21, 2010

Table for four please

I went antiqueing last weekend and came home with some gorgeous treasures. This is the first one I am sharing with you! I laid eyes on this and fell in love...
with one exception...can you guess? Yep, the hideous upholstery. However, I was actually elated it wasnt recently reupholstered as it meant I could finally learn how to do it myself. I didnt think it would be hard and I jump at any chance to sort through piles of fabric to find the perfect choice.

Now, here is the result! I LOVE it! :) It isnt quite the bold statement I wanted to make but it was a compromise with my leery husband. I got my color palette but in a more traditional pattern. Since he has to live with it too, I deemed it only fair. Who says compromise cant be beautiful?


  1. lucky you this is a great find. Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my dining room. I spent much more than I should when I bought those chairs and table. I am seriously considering painting our bedroom set but I think I would have a hard time convincing the hubby to go along with painting this. Great idea though and I love yours.

  2. Adorable Em! I need a little table like this for my kitchen, maybe you can help me hunt one down the next time you're here :)

  3. Lovely! The perfect fabric and a STEAL at $7/yd! Well done :)

  4. Much better presence for your dining area!

  5. Very pretty! And what a deal to find the furniture already painted in good condition! Lucky girl...I refinish furniture so I'm serious when I say, awesome!! -shaunna :)

  6. I just found your blog and adore it -- I'm excited to keep following your posts! Also, thanks so much for posting this how-to. I've been wanting to reupholster these ugly (orange, which isn't bad but most of my apartment is in green and neutrals) chairs for awhile. Your project is great inspiration!
