Thursday, July 29, 2010

Aloha followers! A gift from Manila Extract...

On Tuesday the blog hit 100 followers! This is so exciting and I am so flattered and thankful! I truly appreciate all of my lovely readers and I have a little "thank you" for you all.

$25 gift certificate to Manila Extract!

This awesome giveaway is sponsored by Manila Extract. Tanya, the founder, hand makes these fantastic earth friendly handbags and accessories made from repurposed Hawaiian coffee sacks. Manila Extract is a hot item right now and was just featured in the July/August issue of Hawai`i Magazine. How cool is that? I absolutely adore these clutches! I'm having visions of one tucked under my arm right now. I couldn't imagine anything better to celebrate 100 followers than these earth friendly pieces of aloha created in Hawaii! Besides her awesome products, what I love even more about Tanya is the heart and the mission behind her shop. She created Manila Extract in order to share the essence of Hawaii and Aloha while supporting children in need. A portion of all sales go to various charities including Compassion Intl, The American Cancer Society, and relief for Haiti.

If you just cant wait to get you hands on these, you can find all of her products for sale in her Etsy shop right now!


Since this giveaway is an act of appreciation for my followers, I ask that you enter only if you are a follower. You can become one right now by clicking "follow" on the Google Friend Connect box on the sidebar.

You have up to 2 possible entries. Please leave a separate comment/entry for each of the below,

1. Go to Manila Extract  then come back and leave a comment here telling us what you would pick if you win.

2. Go to Manila Extract's Facebook page and "like" it. Then come back and leave a comment letting me you know you did.

BE SURE to give me your email in the comment form (or leave me someway to to contact you if you win). Its not publicly displayed so you don't have to put it in the body of your comment.

  • Entries will be accepted until midnight (PST) on August 5th.
  • Winner will be selected using a random number generator
  • Winner will be announced here on Friday August 6th.
  • Winner will be contacted by email and will have through Tuesday August 10th to respond. If the prize has not been claimed by then, another random winner will be selected, contacted and will have 4 days to respond.
  • Valid only for residents of USA or Canada

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