Friday, August 13, 2010

A Dress and a Ditty {guest post}

I have a special treat for you today. I have asked my friend Melissa over at Oh My Darling to guest post for us today. I simply love Melissa's musical and fashion taste. She always picks out the prettiest dresses and playlists. I hope you enjoy her as much as I do! Now let's give her a warm ALOHA! Take it away Melissa!

Hi there! I'm Melissa, and I’m delighted to be stopping by with a guest post -usually you can find me over at Oh, My Darling. Emily and I are calling this little feature “A Dress and a Ditty” because I’ll be featuring a great song and a few dresses that somehow relate to the song. I hope you enjoy it!

This song is called “Let’s Get Out of This Country,” and it is performed by the super-fun and talented band Camera Obscura. The lyrics and overall mood of this song bring to mind a whimsical little jet-setting jaunt with your lover, to somewhere fun and romantic (Paris, perhaps?).
If my fella and I were able to blow off work and fly overseas, I’d be sure to pack a dress like The Line Blue Cotton Dress by After Showers, as this beautiful handmade dress would pair perfectly with a pair of comfortable Toms or sandals and a roomy canvas bag – perfect for a busy day of sightseeing and shopping.
For a dressier night in the evening – let’s say we’re going to a 5-star French restaurant and then topping off the night at a swanky jazz club (is jazz even popular in France? I suppose that’s irrelevant to this little fantasy journey), I’d love to wear the Summer Spritzer dress from Modcloth. With just a simple little necklace and a pair of glamorous shoes that we just happened to find at a great boutique earlier in the day, this dress would make a magical night in another country all the more unforgettable.

Thanks Melissa! You can look forward to the A Dress and a Ditty series here on FMA! Be sure to check out Melissa's darling blog, Oh My Darling, and share some bloggy love!

Like the Camera Obscura song you just heard? You can buy/download it here on Amazon.

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