Friday, August 6, 2010

If my blog were a house...

If my blog were a house, this would be it with all the turquoise, yellow, green, and orange! I just finished watching The Bounty Hunter with the hubs. Maybe I was just in a mood, but it just didn't do much for me. However, the set design was phenomenal! I am taking some mental notes from this set for  future home. This is Jennifer Aniston's character's apartment...

Don't you love the patterned walls? Don't get me started on the colors- so fresh, fun, vibrant, and full of life. I ♥ the yellow upholstered chairs in the living room and the upholstered headboard in the bedroom. And, you're going to have to look closely for this one, but can you spot the sweet little green lamp in the corner of the third photo? I want NEED this! I think I have just been inspired.

How about you? Have you seen the movie? If you haven't, the sets alone are worth it! If you have seen it, were you as excited by her apartment as I was?

Pardon the quality of the stills. I searched high and low for stills online to no avail, so I resulted to taking manual "screen shots" 

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