Friday, August 20, 2010

"Watch out! She has a can of spray paint..."

"...and she knows how to use it!" ;)

Nothing is safe when I start swinging around a can of spray paint! My newest victim, lamps. My mom gave me a pair of lamps when I was home for Christmas in 2006. They used to be my sister's. I had pretty traditional decor back then so I used them as-is until now.
Do you remember my post about the movie set on "The Bounty Hunter"? If you remember, I said I was inspired by this lamp...
Sorry its a bit blurry, I had to blow it up so you could see it. I love the green base and I especially love the shade. Inspired to recreate it, I bought some spring green spray paint ($3) and sprayed my lamp bases. Happy with the results, I went to Target and bought textured drum shades ($15).
Once I got home, I whipped out my fabric paints and started hunting around my house for something to use as a stencil. I didn't find much but a metal flower medallion. I thought I might be able to use it as a stamp, but after a test run, it was an epic fail. All I had left were my foam snowflake stamps. I have to limit my daily outings as I have a toddler who is nearing the terrible twos, so another outing to the craft store for a medallion stencil or stamp was out of the question yesterday. Not wanting to put off the project any longer, I ran with it. I stamped the snowflakes onto the lampshade, then went back with a small artist's brush and modified the pattern. I don't think they look like snowflakes now, do you? Well, lets hope they don't because at this point there's no turning back!
Are you ready for the reveal? I wont keep you in the dark any longer (oh, I crack myself up!). Let there be light!
Here is my lamp next to a really bad screen shot of my inspiration...
And here is the before and after...
Pretty cute huh? I think it looks totally different! It's so happy and fun! Now the lamps reflect my vintage eclectic design style and instantly become the center of attention in our guest room.

Here is my challenge to you: go through any old, outdated items lying around the house and find something you can re-purpose or give new life. You will be surprised how inspired you can be when you are wielding a can of spray paint!


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