Thursday, September 2, 2010

Media Cabinet Redo

This week I have been hard at work cleaning and depersonalizing my house so I can take pictures and list our house for rent. Whew! Its unbelievable how much work it is! I have lost 3lbs this week just from all this housekeeping! It feels so great though. I am admittedly a clean freak. There is something so personally cleansing and grounding about deep cleaning the house, pulling out the appliances, moving all the furniture, and going through all the drawers. Love it!

While I was working on the family room, my eye kept going to our entertainment cabinet. I used love this cabinet. We got it when we were in our modern, minimalist Crate and Barrel phase. The family room in our old house was blue so the blue foggy glass went perfectly and it somewhat disguised the ugly electronics while still letting the remote's signal through so we didnt have to open the door when we wanted to use the media. Originally, it had a middle book shelf piece, but when I reoriented my family room furniture a few weeks ago I had to shorten it. Here is the before shot...
Our current family room is much more Pottery Barn traditional and it has a much warmer color scheme. That bluish glass was urking me. I didnt know what to do with it and we plan on getting a different media cabinet when we move so I didnt want to go too crazy. I needed it to be warmer so it would fit in better with my earthier decor. I had the idea to use the extra paint I had in the garage from the accent wall behind the TV.
All I did was paint the inside of the glass doors with latex interior paint. Since it will be on the inside of the doors that are never opened I dont have to worry much about it scrapping off- its only for a few more months anyway. I love this paint color, its called Coconut Husk. It is a great grey-green color. Here is the finished result...
Here it looks like a much more subtle difference than it is in person. I think it looks one million times better, and because I used the accent wall color it coordinates with the room so much better!
Here is a shot of half of the room so you get a better idea of the finished product.
Its glass doors are still too modern for this room but the paint really helped it. I like how the paint made the glass even more opaque and you cant see the media equipment at all now. I cant wait to pick out a new cabinet when we move. I am really liking the idea of refinishing a vintage or antique wood cabinet. We will just wait and see...something to look forward to.

I am linking to these AWESOME link parties!

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