Friday, November 26, 2010

Vintage Themed First Birthday Party

Tomorrow is my son's second birthday party! I honestly can't believe he is about to turn two. Everyone told me it would all go by so fast and to enjoy every second of it, and I believed them, I did. But really? WOW! That was the fastest 2 years of my life. Where did it go?

These are some pictures from his first birthday party last December. We picked a vintage children's book theme for his first birthday party. It was such a fun theme! Read on for for pictures and details...

First birthday parties are hard. Its difficult to come up with a theme for the kids as they arent really into any one thing at that age like they are in subsequent birthdays. We decided a vintage theme was perfectly neutral and yet still fun! These are the invites I made to set the scene....

To carry out the theme, I made an old fashioned red velvet smash cake and cupcake cones (just bake cupcake batter in cake cones instead of muffin tins)

I made the cupcake toppers from excerpts of vintage children's book illustrations. I am kicking myself that I didn't save them so I could share them as printables, but alas this was before my blogger days, so pictures will have to suffice.

I sought out old fashioned types of candy like tootsie rolls, bubble gum, suckers, etc to top the cupcakes. I was thrilled to find this vintage looking first brithday candle at Dollar Tree...

I spent a couple weeks seeking out children's vintage reproduction fabrics so I could make this birthday pennent banner. I appliqued the letters and finished it with rick-rick to give it an even more vintage look.

PS: This is what our breakfast nook looked like shortly after we moved in. Click HERE to check out what it looks like now!

We are a family of traditions and we love pulling out this banner for every birthday and plan to use 'til its threadbare! We love it!

It was a pizza party so we kept the food really simple. We did serve Coca-Cola in the vintage glass bottles though.

When it was time for him to play with his smash cake is when we found out how extremely clean our son is. He really didn't want to make a mess! I was shocked. I really thought he would go nuts with it. After awhile of getting nowhere trying to coax him that it was ok to play with it, I took his hands and helped push them into the cake. Oh boy, he DID NOT like that! Haha, oh well. Maybe this year...

We filled goodie bags with little vintage toys like tin tops, wooden paddle balls, and vintage puzzle games. Many guests carried out the theme by giving him wooden vintage reproduction toys like a wooden hammer and pins, a ride on natural wooden airplane, and even vintage children's books. It all came together so nicely and was a great party.

This year he is really into airplanes, shocking since Daddy is a pilot ;) Anyway, the party is tomorrow and Ill try to have pictures AND printables up soon after, so be sure to check back. Wish me luck! :)

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