Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas & Mele Kalikimaka!

Merry Christmas! I hope this finds you all enjoying a beautiful holiday! We are in Colorado spending Christmas with our family today. We have been having such a great time visiting with our family all week and finally seeing our dog! Our Golden Retriever has to stay here in Colorado until it is warm enough in the spring for him to fly to Alaska. We have officially moved out of Washington and leave for Alaska from here tomorrow! Thank you for all your well wishes, prayers, and kind comments and emails. We appreciate it so much! The last week or so have had some bumps (including an ER visit for me the day before our flight!) but we have pushed through and everything is going smoothly now. I miss you guys but I hope you are enjoying the lovely guest bloggers who have been filling in for me! I am just blown away by these amazing ladies. There's even more to come and I hope to be popping in a little more frequently once we get settled into a hotel.

Merry Christmas
Mele Kalikimaka!

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