Monday, January 3, 2011

Table Makeover with Stories of a House {guest post}

This is the last post from my guest blogger line up. I hope you have enjoyed all the lovely ladies who have been filling in for me during my move to Alaska, and maybe you've discovered some new friends along the way! Today, we have a table makeover from Christa at Stories of a House. Christa's blog is fillled with fun and inspiring home projects. I was so thrilled when I discovered Christa and I both built the same exact laundry riser! Let's she what she's working on today!

It's a privilege to be guest posting here today - thanks, Emily!

Since furniture redo's are my thing, I thought I'd share my latest makeover and a tip.
My experience with furniture refinishing is always a work in progress.
I am constantly evaluating the various products on the market, and trying new techniques.
Obviously my goal is to spend as little time as necessary so that I can move on to the next one!
I'm also learning all the time what types of pieces I like to work on, what is worth my time, 
and what does or doesn't sell.
I have had this table on my back patio for 7 months, because I regretted bringing it home with me.

I was so uninspired by it for some reason, until one day I decided that I needed to do something with it.
I looked for inspiration on the blogs, and found Sherry's table at No Minimalist Here, and knew that would be the right direction to go.
I loved the look of a natural top with black.

Since painting chairs is very time consuming because you have to turn them every which way, I decided to use SW Solo Interior/Exterior paint in semi-gloss, so that I didn't have to use a topcoat. I just sprayed them, and rubbed off the paint in areas with a damp cloth.
I will definitely be using this method again.

 The thought this fabric complimented the French Country look of the set, 
but I didn't staple it on in case whoever buys it wants something else.
I'm very glad I finally tackled this project, as I'm very pleased with the results!

Thank you so much for having me, Emily!

Thanks Christa! I just recently finished my own table makeover, so I can really appreciate how much work Christa put into this project. I love her distressing paint technique too. I cant wait to start some furniture refinishing projects of my own once we get into a house here. Speaking of houses, we have been touring houses everyday and driving circles around our favorite neighborhoods scouting out available homes. I have a feeling we are close to finding our home. I will post some pictures of our favorites soon. I have to admit, its a hard adjustment to Alaska's home market. Half the house we had in Washington is $600 a month more here! I am trying to think of it as a great way to simplify but I am still in sticker shock. Wish me luck!

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