Friday, December 31, 2010

Aloha from Alaska and Happy New Year!

Well, we finally made it to Alaska! It was a long time coming and quite a journey to get here. We arrived on Monday the 27th at one something in the morning. As we began our descent into Anchorage International Airport, we peered out our airplane window anxious to catch our first glimpse of the last frontier. I was a little worried when I saw that the stars were brighter than the lights across the water. Before I could utter "where are you moving me?" to my husband, I was relieved to see the lights of Anchorage were on the other side of the plane...whew! Once we landed and deboarded the plane we were greeted with a crisp blast of arctic air on the jetway. A nice way to shake the plane funk of a 5 hour flight off a person. We were so impressed with Anchorage's airport. It's design and architecture is really stunning. The airport features these large glass sculptures meant to be reminencsent of the icy white capped mountains seen out the large opposing wall of windows.

After gathering our 8 checked bags, 6 various carry on items, and our carseat, stroller, and travel crib we were on our way to an airport hotel. We didnt get to bed until 3am Alaska time, which felt like 5am after the 23 hour day we had. We spent the next day sleeping and bumming around the hotel. We are blessed to have some old friends who are already stationed in Alaska, so the next day after they got back from their Christmas travels they picked us up for lunch and gave us a long awaited tour of our new city. As we drove around town we were surprised to see how the icy, snowpacked streets didnt deter anyone. These streets would scare the pants off anyone in Washington, and I had only ever seen them as bad at ski resorts in Colorado. We were told that you dont see the pavement until April. It was a clear sunny day so we were able to take in some beautiful views of Mt McKinley and the 6 mountain ranges surrounding the city. The next day we moved to our friend's house just North of Anchorage in Eagle River. We are staying with them through New Year's weekend. We are loving their neighborhood/town, and you better believe I have already been scouring home listings in their area! We are going to take a drive to look at a couple today. Eagle River is so pretty, nestled in the foothills its more serene than the city, and looks exactly like the Alaska I had pictured in my head. These are some photos I took from their back porch last night.

Stunning, right? Here are some more photos I took of the icy branches at night.

So far, we havent been able to sightsee as much as we might like just because of all the move-related things we have to take care of but today we spotted a moose and 7 bald eagles at the side of the road on our way to pick up our car from the shippers! Wildlife is everywhere! Apparently, over 1600 moose live within Anchorage city limits. Incredible!

Next week, we move to a hotel/temporary living apartment on base until our household goods arrive and we find a house. I am already having fun looking for our new home, though I must admit its harder than I thought. I guess not alot of Alaskan's like to move in the dead of winter...go figure. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we will find a house like these...

Riiiiiiiiiiiight? Well, I hope so ;)

After a bit of neighborhood scouting today we are going to start prepping for our traditional New Year's Eve 3-course fondue dinner! Yum!

Good food, good friends, and good drinks....cant imagine a better way to ring in the New Year in our new home! What are your plans for NYE? What are your traditions?

Whatever your plans are and where ever you are...Here's to you my lovely readers!

2010 marked the birth and growth of this blog and I look forward to sharing a new year with you!

Happy New Year!

Supplemental Images 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

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