Friday, March 11, 2011

Domain Book of Intuitive Home Design- Reader Appreciation Giveaway

Do you guys know how awesome I think you are? I have the best readers! You all are so encouraging, supportive, forgiving, and patient! When it came time for our move to Alaska, nasty little voices in the back of my head started chiming in with nervous commentary like, "What if I lose everyone when I dont have internet access?" or  "How will I balance blogging when I am so busy setting up our new home and life?" I can tell those ugly voices to shut up because I had no reason to worry! You all have stuck with me through it all! When my posts started to get fewer and farther between, you waited and even took time to check in on me! Thank you for that! I am so grateful! I am STILL not done finding a place for everything- doesnt it seem to take FOREVER? But, I am close. Once things are in order here at home, you should start to notice because I have a laundry list of cool ideas and projects to share. I hate it when anything gets between me and a project, but there are things that simply have to happen around here before I can think about starting anything else. UGH! I never let anyone see a dirty house but here's just a glimmer of what I am muddling through...

Yeah and you can be sure this picture was taken after I spent all morning sorting through it and throwing out all the trash! I even managed to clear off my water bottles and wrappers off the desk too! ;)

Even though I have been neck high sorting through our belongings, I am never too busy to notice that I have nearly reached 400 Google Followers! With Google Followers, Subscribers, and Facebook friends, FMA has reached over 600 readers! I am in awe and so very, very grateful! I want to celebrate that milestone but also use this time to throw back some of that blog love back at my readers! Let's have a giveaway!!!

I have mentioned The Domain Book of Intuitive Home Design before, and several of you have actually ordered the book! It is hands-down my favorite home design book. I kid you not when I say this book is better than therapy- for me at least! The book starts with a short 16 question survey. The questions are simple and often times dont seem design related at all. I encourage you to go with your gut instinct and not overthink your answers. Based on your answers you can fit yourself within 4 major design personas. I am strong believer that no one fits in one box, so if you score high in two categories, consider yourself a hybrid of the two. The analysis of each persona is indepth and intensive, but some can get thrown off by the photos. I will admit the photos arent the greatest representation of the personas but take them with a grain of salt and try to think of them as general guidelines. Design has always been my thing, that coupled with my education in Interior Design has helped me already pin point and label my own styles, but this book actually made me realize even more about my styles and helped me to really get a good understanding of why and how I came to that style. I know what I like and on a very basic level I can tell you why I like it, but I really was surprised how much more I learned about myself through this book. It really delves into the emotions and life experiences that shape us and define what makes us comfortable. I have used this book with several clients throughout the years, and now its lives on my coffee table so that when a conversation turns to design I have fun walking friends and family through the quiz! Who doesnt love a good quiz?

So, do you want your own copy now? Just leave a comment as your entry! You could tell me what you think your design style is!


  • Please be a follower or a subscriber to enter.
  • Entries will be accepted until midnight (AKST) on March 18th.
  • Winner will be selected using a random number generator
  • Winner will be announced here on Saturday March 19th.
  • Winner will be contacted by email and will have through Tuesday March 22nd to respond. If the prize has not been claimed by then, another random winner will be selected, contacted and will have 3 days to respond.
  • Valid only for residents of the USA.

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