Thursday, June 30, 2011

Guilt-free Lemon Berry Trifle (ready in 5 minutes)

Holy batman! Where did June go? I had no idea the Fourth of July was THIS weekend! Good thing someone said something in passing or I might have been awakened by fireworks in a couple days and thought someone was starting a war! Wellll, there goes my idea that I had two weeks to put together fun Independence Day party ideas. At least I still have one trick up my sleeve that I can share. I have mentioned before how my husband and I live from tradition to tradition, especially with holidays. Well, this trifle is our one Fourth of July tradition. It is so quick, easy, delicious, and best part? Easy on the waistline- the low calorie angel food cake, light whipped topping and fresh berries make it guilt-free!

Read on for my recipe...
I came up with this recipe the first year we were married and have made it every year since. I was watching Tyler Florence on the Food Network as he was preparing a Lemon Trifle for an Easter celebration. His looked delicious, but ofcourse it was all made from scratch and he definitely wasn't counting calories. As I watched him prepare it, I thought of how I could make something similar with store bought items in a fraction of the time. This is what I came up with and it is always the hit of the party.

So, if this Fourth of July sneaked up on you too and you find yourself in a last minute pinch, give this cake a try! You could literally get off the couch, go to the store, make it home, and have a party ready treat in less than 30 minutes. So... what are you waiting for? ENJOY!!

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