Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Free Digital Print Art {seriously cool!}

Whew! I'm back. It's been pretty quiet on FMA lately. Well, that has a lot to do with the unfortunate fact that my beloved DSLR camera was stolen. Sigh. As if that wasn't devastating enough, my son dropped my iPad2 on our flight the next day and shattered the glass. Sigh. Thank the Lord we had the camera insured, but we found out that Apple Care doesn't cover the glass. Sigh. Anyway, I believe I should have a replacement camera this week. We had a Nikon D90 with a fantastic 18-300mm lens but I am thinking about parring back the lens a bit and so we can upgrade to the D7000. The 7000's outrageous ISO is sooooo enticing. Any thoughts on the matter fellow shutterbugs?

I am itching to get my hands on a camera so I can post the reveal of my bedroom dresser. Guys it turned out so AMAZING! I am in love with it. Love, love, love.

Though things may have been quiet on the blog, it has definitely not been quiet around here! I have lots of projects to show you. The inability to post has however has exploded my Pinterest addiction. I have been pinning away! If you want your FMA fix, go check out my boards. :-) If you're on Pinterest, throw a girl a bone and give me your username, I'd love to see what you're pinning!

Since, I haven't been able to show you the dresser yet, I have been plugging away at accessorizing it and the big blank wall behind it. I am in desperate need of some art! I have been pouring over art for weeks and I just stumbled across a couple of fabulous websites with libraries of free digital print art! This stuff is gorgeous!

Read on to see some samples and go to the sites.

This first website is Vintage Printable. It has an incredible selection of public domain images for home use. Here are a couple of my faves...

Seriously cool! I love it. The second site I found is Feed Your Soul. While it has a smaller selection, it features art created specifically for free download. It's intent is to cultivate art and make it accessible in a struggling economy. How cool is that? These are my two favorites...
How stinking sweet is that??

How awesome! Now, my problem is going to be picking out the ones to frame.

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