Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Thrift Store Treasure

Can you believe I found this oil painting at Goodwill? There I was standing in the stark florescent lighting, listening to Billy Idol rock out to White Wedding, thumbing through the frames section, when I saw the back of this frame. It is quite large, about 5 feet long, and seeing it from behind I thought I might have found a good deal on a frame to refinish. Once I turned it over I gasped! I love it! I have been looking for a large piece of art for my massive wall space on my staircase. I was discouraged by how expensive large art can be and almost gave up looking, resolving to try to paint something myself one day. I loved this painting even more when I found out there was a 50% off pink tag sale. I picked this gem up for $15!
I love how the ocean theme carries out with my Hawaiian sea turtles. They are the perfect match! 
I wanted to finish out this space with a new paint color, but now knowing we are moving in a few months I need to keep the house as neutral as possible. We are looking to rent out our house here in Washington and find a rental for ourselves in Alaska. I only hope I have the wall space in my new home for this painting. 
The painting's colors and perspective change based on from what angle you are looking at it. Every time we carry our toddler up to bed he always points at this painting and tries to say "ocean"...ahh, he melts me!

Anyone else have some great thrift store finds lately?

Also, today was a big day for my blog! I reached 100 followers! I am so honored to have so many wonderful readers. I enjoy hearing from all of you and I love meeting new blog friends! Thank you for following me! I cant let such a big milestone go without celebration. You better believe I have a special "thank you" up my sleeve! Check back Thursday ;) 

Linked to The Shabby Nest

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