Tuesday, July 27, 2010

My black thumb just got greener!

This is a typical sight around my house. I love flowers and plants, I really do, but I have proven time and again that plants can't survive on love alone. I just can't seem to slow down my life enough to water regularly. I still water, just not when the plants want it I guess! After this gerbera met its fate, I got thinking about all the products out there that claim to prevent this such as the new Miracle-Gro soil and the Aqua Globes. Not wanting to spend money on these products this late in season for my outdoor patio plants, I came up with a free solution to take my plants from looking like that to looking like this...
All you need is an empty water or soda bottle and a needle or pin.
Poke 2-4 holes in the bottle with a needle or pin. After some experimenting, I found it best to poke as few holes as possible and locate them near the neck of the bottle.
Next cut off the bottom of the bottle...
Leaving the cap on the bottle, fill it with water and place it in the soil of your pot, garden or flower bed. 
This won't solve all your watering woes but it will help those specific plants that just seem to need to be watered more often. 

Linked to The Girl Creative, Sumo's Sweet Stuff, Sew Can Do, Finding Fabulous, Today's Creative Blog, Blue Cricket Design

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