Monday, July 26, 2010

Finding my way in the Last Frontier...

I found out last Thursday that we are officially moving. My husband is a pilot for the USAF. We were given a heads up a few months ago that we would be up for reassignment soon. We made our list of preferences and of course Hawaii was right at the top. Well, we got assigned to a non contiguous state alright, just not the warm one! That's right...we are moving to ALASKA! We move in January. Yes, we are moving to Alaska in the DEAD of winter! What an adventure this is going to be! Both my husband and I are from Colorado so we will appreciate the alpine surroundings but I have to admit I am nervous about the darkness in the winter. I am trying to stay positive and get excited, so here are some pictures of my new home and things I am excited to see...
It's supposed to be stunningly beautiful. I look forward to visiting Denali National Park.
I have always wanted to go to Kodiak Island and see the bears!
It will be awesome to see the Northern Lights or the Aurora Borealis in its full glory!
I know that contrary to some beliefs, most Alaskans don't mush to work, but I am looking forward to some recreational dog sledding. We did this in Whistler, BC when we were up there this winter for the Olympics and it was thrilling! 
Anchorage doesn't look so bad does it? You are going to laugh, but one of the first things I did when I found out we were moving there was I looked up if it had a Target store. I was relieved to find out it does, its actually has two! Whew! ;) We are hoping to do a house hunting trip up there sometime this fall before it gets too wintry. 

Nothing can give you better motivation to finish a quilt than learning you are moving to Alaska! I think I might add some extra batting in there for good measure! Here is some of the progress I have made since my last update.

Have any of you lovely readers visited or lived in Alaska? Any advice? Lord knows, I'm gonna need it! :)

The life of a military spouse is filled with change and we just have to find the best way to "let go and let God". I am taking comfort in these words from Isaiah 43: 18-19:

 18 "Forget the former things; 
     do not dwell on the past.
 19 See, I am doing a new thing! 
     Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? 
     I am making a way in the desert 
     and streams in the wasteland.

Reminder: Be sure to enter my April Cornell giveaway while you are here! Ends July 28th.

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