Friday, July 23, 2010

Diapering Wine

As you might have already gathered, I am entertaining out-of-town family this week. My brother-in-law is still here but my father-in-law left on Wednesday. Remember our trip to Leavenworth? We all bought alot of wine on that trip and now they are faced with the problem of getting it all back to Colorado on the plane. I have been faced with the same problem while travelling with my husband for his training. While in Albuquerque last year I was looking at my suitcase, wine and various barbeque sauces, and a pile of all our stuff, including extra diapers I didnt want to leave behind (you can call me a cheap skate, but I was determined to bring those diapers home one way or another!). This is my light bulb breakable, leakable...diapers: extra, extremely absorbant, padded......
It's really funny when you think about wine and diapers in the same sentence but in this context I swear it works! Laugh all you want, I have never had a bottle break or leak! This works for just about anything, it doesnt have to be wine. Like I said, I used it to bring home BBQ sauce too!

Reminder: Be sure to enter my April Cornell giveaway while you are here! Ends July 28th.

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