Sunday, October 24, 2010

I am guest posting today!

Today I am thrilled to be guest posting over at One She Two She. Read on for the details...

I was over-the-moon when Mariel and Jessica asked for me to write a couple guest posts for their awesome blog, One She Two She. I love guest blogging because I get to "meet" new readers and share my ideas! It's so much fun! Today, I am posting about towel hooks for the bathroom and sharing my mini tutorial for my chalkboard towel hooks. Click here to visit me at One She Two She!

On October 8th, I shared my Laundry Room Makeover and DIY Washer & Dryer Riser. Click here to see that post!
I hope you get the chance to check out the ladies at One She Two She. They have such neat posts featuring great ideas, projects, advice, etc from all over blogosphere. Thanks Mariel and Jessica for the opportunity!

I hope you all are enjoying the weekend! I have my in-laws in town for a visit before we move to Alaska. This is their last visit to the Seattle area so we are having fun checking off a few last Washington sights. I have some cool posts lined up for next week...yipee! I can't wait! :)

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