Friday, September 17, 2010

DIY Candlestick Hurricanes

I love hurricanes. They have such classic lines and make seasonal decorating so easy. You can change the whole look by just switching out the contents with the seasons. When I first saw tutorials for DIY Hurricanes start floating around blogosphere, I filed away the idea and began scoping out thrift stores for the perfect candlesticks, vases, glasses, and bowls. This is so super simple and cheap! Each hurricane cost me $2! Read on to see how I did it...

After a couple trips to my favorite thrift stores, I finally collected enough to make my hurricanes. I got all of these pieces for $1 each or less! I really loved stepping outside the box and playing around with colored glass and porcelain. In fact, the white candlestick with the yellow daisy candle holder is my favorite of them all.

Next, I made a stop at Home Depot and picked up some Gorilla Glue. Have you heard of this? I had never heard of it before this project and now I am addicted. Just like spray paint, nothing is safe when I am wielding a tube of this stuff! 

All thats left to do is apply the glue to the top of a candlestick. Be careful when applying the glue, and keep in mind to be sparing with it as the glue expands to three times its original size as it dries. Once the glue is applied, place the vase, bowl, or glass on top. I recommend placing a weight on top while it dries since the glue expands.

Keep an eye on them as they dry and wipe up any glue that might drip. Let them cure overnight.

Seriously, how easy is that? I love it! Check out these other crafty ladies...

Here's Thrifty Decor Chick's version
DecorChick made her own Williams-Sonoma knock-off hurricanes.
Tauni over at It's a Tradition made her own apothecaries using the same concept.

Katie at A Chirp in the Forest took a twist on the classic and made her shabby chic hurricanes with mason jars.

I am linking to these AWESOME link parties!

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