Thursday, September 16, 2010

A Goodwill Goldmine!

Quite often I can come home from thrifting with just one or two small treasures or even empty handed. The experienced thrifty knows that patience is a virtue, persistence is key, and that tomorrow is another day- another truckload. But yesterday was not one of those days! I walked into Goodwill and felt like I walked into a goldmine! Read on to see my treasures...

My first find of the day were these mint-condition microfiber chairs...

Yep, you read the tag right! $39.99 a piece, with another 20% off furniture sale! I had just walked in the door but I literally raced to find a salesperson so I could claim them! By the time the salesperson and I had returned to the chairs to finish filling out the sales slip there was already a crowd around them. Sorry people, today the luck was mine!

After I shooed the disappointed thrifters off my chairs, I wandered the store a bit more and came across this copper lantern...
Isn't it pretty? I love it and I knew it would go perfectly with my decor. I have drooled over similar lanterns in home decor mags for years now. 

My last thrifty find is this adorable pear lamp. It's so gorgeous! It just might be my favorite... 

Don't you just love when the stars align and you are blessed with such thrifty luck? These finds were like striking gold for me! I find some awesome deals but nothing like this! Have you ever had such a lucky strike? What are your most treasured thrifty finds?

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