Friday, July 29, 2011

A little update...

Well, I have been a little absent lately. We have been enjoying the Alaskan summer and have spent the last two weekends camping and fishing on the Kenai and Russian rivers. I never thought I would enjoy fishing but I went for the first time last weekend and I am hooked! I was out there flipping lines with the best of them and got such a thrill with every bite! We have been fishing for sockeye salmon but we have caught some kings and some silvers too. Here's a family photo of my husband's first catch of the season and a couple more of the beautiful scenery on the Kenai Peninsula...

The Kenai River. It gets it's beautiful turquoise hue from glacial silt suspended in the water.
Combat fisherman on the Kenai
I just had to snap a shot of these two old buddies with their catch.
My hubby casting on the Kenai on a beautiful Alaskan summer day.

I have also been busy preparing for my in-laws visit. They arrive tomorrow! We haven't seen them since we went home to Colorado for Christmas on our way to Alaska 7 months ago. We are so excited to see them and experience Alaska with them. We will be playing tour guide all week and enjoying all that we can squeeze into their short visit.

Besides getting ready for guests, I have had a lot weighing on my mind and heart lately. Today was a rough day. One year ago today, a C-17 crashed at Elmendorf Air Force Base, in Anchorage, Alaska, killing all four crew members on board. This was and is so heartbreaking. It resonates with me and my family because this is the plane my husband pilots. The crash came a few weeks after we learned we would be joining that squadron in Alaska. We so desperately wanted to be there to support our fellow C-17 family and our new squadron. My heart went out to them but I felt so helpless. Each of the crew members left behind spouses, children, family and friends. These families were now living my worst nightmare and my heart broke for them. In an effort to show our love and support, one year ago I organized an online donation effort with our old squadron in Washington. The donations were directly distributed amongst all four families. Some of you may remember me sharing it here on FMA. Many of you showed an outpouring of support and gave so generously. And now a year later, I wanted to insure you that you indeed made a difference in these families lives. The total effort raised a little over $2,000- dividing out to be about $500 per family. This was just from this one effort alone. There were many others as well. I want to thank you for your kindness and generosity. It is truly incredible to witness how people come together to help those in pain. These families continue to work through their grief and their strength continues to inspire me.

Well, that's what has been going on here. In the coming week I hope to poke in every once in awhile and hopefully share some progress on my master bedroom as well as a colorful baby quilt I am making for my sweet friend Beth. In the meantime, I hope you all have a wonderful week!

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