Saturday, October 29, 2011

Halloween in Alaska

Can you believe it is already the end of October?? I just returned back to Alaska after spending three weeks in Austin visiting my family. That probably has something to do with why it just doesn't feel like it's time for Halloween to me. Nonetheless, I anticipated I would feel this way before I left so I pulled out some decor to have up and ready for our return to help us better get into the spirit. I went all out last year and my mantle was awesome, but a new year and a new house always makes it challenging to fit in with the same decor especially since I had to work with what I already had before I left for Texas. So, here is my decor this year... in Alaska!

PS: This is a bit of a sneak peek into my living room reveal. That's the faux chimney we built. More on that next week ;-)

I no longer have a large corner mantle to work with anymore so I had to par down, but I managed to stick up my "boo banner" (click here to get the free pattern) as well as my "boo tree" and a Halloween printable from last year. I wanted to add more layering and depth so I pinned up the wooden Halloween beads under the mantle. The rest, including the birch branches, antlers, leather belt, and candles were already there for my fall decor and since I live in the mountains, I thought it added a rustic Halloween vibe.

I'm thinking ahead to next year, and I think I might hang a black feather wreath above the TVon the wood chimney feature. Ill keep my eye out for one in a clearance sale next week.

The "boo tree" is from Walmart. We bought it 4 years ago for like $5! I wanted a "boo tree" after I saw the one a Pier One 4-5 years ago. I bought it with the intent for my son (once he was born) to decorate and get him into the spirit. He absolutely loves it this year! We made most of the ornaments ourselves but a couple of them are new this year from Kohls.

The cute printable is from Jessica at Craftily Ever After

Moving into the foyer...

I just brought in some fresh birch branches and hung up the sparkly spider web.

On the opposite wall I brought in a foyer table and some decor, and pinned up my trick or treat banner (click here for the free banner printable) which is actually hiding my thermostat! ha!

I have grand plans for this table. I want to strip it and refinish in a walnut stain. More on that later ;)

And here's the front door...

And to keep it real, here's a shot from the porch. I love to give my 2 year old son gel stickers for each holiday to put up on the storm door.

Well, that's it for this year. I have a couple things I am going to be looking for in the after-Halloween sales and I have a list of a  new projects I want to try for next year.

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