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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Eat, Pray, Love Giveaway!

Welcome to Finding My Aloha's very first giveaway! I am really excited to share this book with you! If you haven't read Elizabeth Gilbert's book Eat, Pray, Love, you should move it to the top of your reading list. You will want to have read it before the movie starring Julia Roberts premieres on August 13th! 

A New York Times Paperback Nonfiction Bestseller for over 155 weeks!

"Elizabeth Gilbert takes us on pilgrimage, with the humor, insight and charm that only come with honest self-revelation and good writing." -- Jack Kornfield

1) First entry 
  • Leave a comment on this post
  • BE SURE to give me your email in the comment form (or leave me someway to to contact you if you win). Its not publicly displayed so you don't have to put it in the body of your comment. 
2) Second Entry

  • Entries will be accepted until midnight (PST) on July 7th.
  • Winner will be selected using a random number generator 
  • Winner will be announced here on Tuesday July 8th.
  • Winner will be contacted by email and will have through Monday July 12th to respond. If the prize has not been claimed by Monday July 12th, another random winner will be selected, contacted and will have 4 days to respond. 
  • Valid only for residents of USA or Canada

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Tickled PINK!

I love pink grapefruit! So refreshing and PINK! These are some of my favorite things...

Try this recipe from Rachel Ray for Frozen Grapefruit Shirley Temples. Doesnt that sound so refreshing? and PINK! :)

Monday, June 28, 2010

DIY grommets

We move alot. Alot of houses with countless windows. As fate would have it the drapes from the old house never fit the windows in the new house. This quickly becomes a costly problem, that is before a genious invented plastic snap grommets and began mass producing them. These inexpensive grommets have single-handedly open a new world of affordable drapery options for me. I have been transforming sheets, tablecloths, and any amount of fabric ever since. My newest victims are some inexpensive drapes from JCPenney. It is so easy, seriously, its a snap (pun intended)!
The grommets usually come in packs of 8. I bought mine at a local fabric store but I have seen them at Walmart for about $7/pkg.

Using the provided template, just trace onto the fabric where you want the grommets. I spaced mine every 7 inches.

Each grommet pops in half. Position the grommets on both sides of the fabric where you have cut out your template. If using light weight fabric, I suggest sandwiching some hot glue around the inside of the grommet before snapping them together. This is just to prevent the fabric from pulling out of the grommet during use.

Here is the finished shot:
PS: Dont you just love my lamp? Its pottery with a fun glaze effect. I found it at Goodwill and it was pretty 1970's when I got it. What a difference a new shade can make! I ♥ it!

Posted at these link parties: Today's Creative Blog, Hope Studios, and Blue Cricket Design

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Red Letter Words

I am simply in love with these art pieces from Red Letter Words. I think they would be so sweet for a new baby's nursery or maybe in my 18 month old's new room when we move. The message of hope for their future is so precious and conveyed so beautifully in these pieces of art.

I just love how bold and stunning these all are. Definitely head over to their site and check them out.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Pretty, pretty picnic

It's finally feeling like summer here in the NW and that means its picnic season! I looooooove the vintage basket I found on Etsy. Its the only one of its kind, so you better try to beat me to it ;) And that plateware and drinkware! Would you believe its melamine? I would swear it was pottery and glass! Isnt my little picnic tablecloth just sweet? We cant forget about the kids; look at this awesome find from World Market (its only $7.99!)...

Here's where Travel & Leisure named America's Best Picnic Spots in their June 2010 issue.

Friday, June 25, 2010

A little weekend project inspiration...

Look what Tauni over at It's a Tradition, can whip up with some wood, stain, and mod podge! She made this in 8 easy steps and then she made it super easy for us with her step by step photo tutorial. I am so inspired!

You are going to love her blog! I really love her Backyard Movie Night series covering everything from invitations and concessions to technology logistics!

6 simple steps to transform a sofa table

I designed my dining room as an homage to my love of the Southwest. I love the bright colors of cactus blooms, sun drenched peppers, and glazed pottery that pop when paired with the muted tones of the desert, adobes, clay pots, etc. We used to live in and visit Arizona and New Mexico, however, I live in the Northwest now so I wanted to be reminded of the Southwest but not punched in the face with it by using too much themed decor. I choose elements that when put in the Southwest would be authentic, but here in the Northwest might be subtle. I tried to create the effect of Mexican carved doors by hanging "shutters" flanking the windows (World Market $20 total) and painted the details with turquoise and burnt orange. I was lucky enough to find an actual agave plant here in the NW, so I potted it along with a few other succulents and cactus in glazed pots. Finally, I painted the tray ceiling a muted gold. It was a nice way highlight the feature and define the space in my open floor plan.

 I picked up this table for $35 while antiquing a few weekends ago (same trip I found my breakfast table). Looking at it now in all its shabby chicness glory, would you believe that this is going to be a feature piece for my Southwest dining room?
Sorry, I don't have step by step photos, but I would be in big trouble if I had used our nice camera with my paint covered hands. So, a detailed description will have to do.

1)  I lightly sanded the whole table. 
2)  I painted the table muted gold using a foam roller and foam brush for the detailed areas.
3)  While it was drying, I pulled out my acrylics and started blending a dark brown to match the wood of my dining table, and the turquoise/burnt orange found on my "shutters".
4)  I painted the entire trim detail the dark brown, then I highlighted the details with the turquoise and burnt orange. 

The table looked brand new but it had to look aged to fit into the design and seem authentic. 

5)  I dabbed a little of my dark brown paint into the muted gold, just enough to make the gold slightly darker than its original hue. I then dry brushed the darker gold all over the table, highlighting the existing cracks and corners.
6)  After I was happy with the finish, I gave the whole table a good slathering of satin polyurethane.

Here is the finished product...

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Stylish ways to cool off this summer

I love summer. Some of my favorite summer pastimes are waking to the distant hum of lawn mowers, babies and dogs running in and out of sprinklers, popsicles on the front porch, sun tea, and lemonade stands. Is there anything more refreshing than a frosty glass of lemonade or sun tea? The other day I made sun tea in my new sun tea jar from Target.

I love my new dispenser, but arent these so enchanting?


Thirsty yet? Try this refreshing lemonade recipe. I came up with this recipe a few years ago and now every summer friends and family beg me to make it. Enjoy!

Linked up at Beat Until Fluffy

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Who ever came up with this needs a raise.

Why did I not think of this?


Organizing the towel bar

You might be thinking, "Does a towel bar really need to be organized?" Well, if you are finding towels thrown on the floor or draped around the bathroom or worse, still wet because they were crowded on the bar, I have a great solution. For about a year now I have been hanging our towels on hooks on the towel bar. I love this because a lot more towels can be hanging at the same time.  We found that we liked it not only for its organizational attributes but also found it faster and easier to grab and hang the towels. Yesterday, I took it a step further and added some flare...

I found a package of mini chalkboards for $1.49 at Joann's. The hooks I use are $0.99 for a 10 pack from IKEA (similiar to this). I all I did was hot glue the boards to the hooks and TA-DA! I think they turned out super cute!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Order up! Pie a la mode

The farm across the street posts signs on the road letting passerbys know whats fresh and in season. I impatiently waited until I saw signs for both strawberries and rhubarb yesterday. I made this pie from scratch. You can imagine how yummy my house must have smelled! :) Rhubarb is in season and fresh is always better than frozen or hot house. Nothing says summer like a strawberry-rhubarb pie, so here's my recipe...get cookin' ;)

Monday, June 21, 2010

Table for four please

I went antiqueing last weekend and came home with some gorgeous treasures. This is the first one I am sharing with you! I laid eyes on this and fell in love...
with one exception...can you guess? Yep, the hideous upholstery. However, I was actually elated it wasnt recently reupholstered as it meant I could finally learn how to do it myself. I didnt think it would be hard and I jump at any chance to sort through piles of fabric to find the perfect choice.

Now, here is the result! I LOVE it! :) It isnt quite the bold statement I wanted to make but it was a compromise with my leery husband. I got my color palette but in a more traditional pattern. Since he has to live with it too, I deemed it only fair. Who says compromise cant be beautiful?

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Happy Father's Day

A special thank you my husband and all the Fathers out there who repeatedly put their children and families before themselves.

Father, give me the strength
To be everything I'm called to be
Oh, Father, show me the way
To lead them
Won't You lead me?

To lead them with strong hands
To stand up when they can't
Don't want to leave them hungry for love,
Chasing things that I could give up
I'll show them I'm willing to fight
And give them the best of my life
So we can call this our home
Lead me, 'cause I can't do this alone
Father, lead me, 'cause I can't do this alone
Lead Me by Sanctus Real

Friday, June 18, 2010

Father's Day Tie

I was going to post this tomorrow, but I finished up early so here it is! I wanted to make a fun toddler-sized tie for Noah to wear on Sunday. Isnt he a ham?

Here's how I did it!

Swooning for spoons?

Do you know how long I have been looking for spoon jewelry? F-O-R-E-V-E-R...Well, maybe not forever but at least the last five years. Ever since I saw my friend Sarah's spoon ring I have been on the hunt. My search ended here, at Annemarie's Etsy shop. Her pieces are so timeless and unique. Annemarie enjoys bringing new life into the old and forgotten by repurposing cutlery into charming treasures.

And here is my spoon ring! I ordered it yesterday. My heart sings! I love that its not too ornate but not too plain...just perfect!

Searchin' for my lost shaker of salt...

I just recieved the vintage salt and pepper set I ordered off Etsy. They are made of stainless steel and teak. I have been searching for a salt and pepper set for about a year now. I thought these were perfect! Dont they look like something you would find at Williams-Sonoma? ahh...Williams-Sonoma...

Thursday, June 17, 2010


A few days ago I met these charming little owls and now I am wondering where they have been all my life! I am obsessed with owls, the extent of which you will realize the more time passes! Anywho, arent they just the cutest?!

These darling little creatures are straight from the mind's eye of Bwinks! I cant wait to order mine...but which one?! Head on over their shop to meet the owls and their designer. You can also find them on Facebook!

"Often imitated but never duplicated in style, fabric design or craftsmanship, BWinks’ Owls are the modern teddy, fun, funky, super-cute and distinctly original!"

Pretty as a postcard

Have you ever gone on vacation and found awesome postcards? I found these Hawaiian reproduction poscards on vacation a few years ago. I thought they were so fun! I didnt know what I would do with them and then I thought to use them for a colorful mat surrounding a photo from the trip. I love how it turned out! So colorful and distinctly Hawaiian!

This can be done in so many ways. You can use any momentos from a trip or occasion. I thought it would be fun to use some vintage postcards from antique stores. One of my favorite ideas is to do this with a wedding picture, surrounding it with old black-and-whites and sepia wedding photos of couples from both sides of the families (His and Her great-grandparents, grandparents, parents). See example I compiled below...

Inspired? All I did was layout the postcards and arrange them, then paste them right to the existing mat. If you have a poster-size frame you can just apply them straight to a piece of poster board, and do the same with the center photo (not technically a mat but that is what I used!). My frame is from IKEA.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Down by the sea...

The weather around here has been cold and rainy so my mind has been checking out lately and heading to the beach. I love seaglass. Arent these seaglass wreaths just dreamy?

These wreaths are from Sue Gray Seaglass. Inspired to make your own? I found a tutorial on eHow.


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