I am working on a BIG project that calls for alot of custom vinyl lettering. I considered buying a Cricut and then my husband saw the price and went white in the face. To preserve my marriage, I moved on to Plan B and started looking at making a custom order from an etsy shop, but I became too impatient. Now I am onto Plan C and so far (though tedious) its coming along nicely. Here's how I did it...
STEP 1: I found a font and printed off the letters in the size I needed on regular printer paper. I then carefully cut out the letters.
STEP 2: Next, I taped a strip of vinyl adhesive
to an old cutting board. I did this so it would stay put as I traced the letters using a pencil. Then I meticulously sliced the letters into existence, alternating between using an exacto knife and scissors.
Here's the finished product! I think it looks great! It probably seems too tedious, especially to those lucky owners of fancy crafting machines, but I pumped them out while watching a favorite flick with my hubby and so far I am pretty happy with my poor man's Cricut.This project is just a piece of a MUCH larger project I am still working on. We are remodeling our laundry room! It's going to be soooooo beautiful. Just like every other project we tackle, half way through we start to think that we bit off more than we could chew. We stuck with it and now I just have to add the final touches. I hope to post about it next week with tips and tutorials. I hope to keep posting regularly this upcoming weekend/week but my mother-in-law is visiting right now and my father and brother-in-law arrive next week. For now here's a sneak peek teaser of what's to come:
Boring, clutter trap of a laundry room BEFORE:
$5 Craigslist cabinets we got from a gutted farmhouse:
Sunny'sLifeinRehab · 767 weeks ago
TRU@ TRU TALES FEATS · 767 weeks ago
Jen · 767 weeks ago
lillianaerin 15p · 767 weeks ago
Ann · 767 weeks ago
JenT · 767 weeks ago
~Tammy~ · 767 weeks ago
Laura · 767 weeks ago
Can't wait to get my PINK package : ) I wish you could've shipped yourself for a visit too, hee hee. That made me smile when I read it. You are such a sweetie.
Lots of love to you, Emily!
I'll be looking forward to a brand new post from you tomorrow.
Melissa · 767 weeks ago
Tauni · 767 weeks ago
Mandy · 767 weeks ago
Love your projects :)
mle · 767 weeks ago
Denise · 767 weeks ago
Denise · 767 weeks ago
maria · 767 weeks ago
Maria :)
Carrie · 767 weeks ago
Ellie · 766 weeks ago
MessyMissy · 766 weeks ago
Michelle · 766 weeks ago
Jill · 765 weeks ago
bettyann · 763 weeks ago
A tip - what I do is instead of cutting out the letters on the paper is to simply lay transfer paper between the vinyl and paper. using a contrasting color - i love using white transfer paper - available at hobby stores and joann's - is only places i know of that have it and it works well for me. might be worth a shot. the pencil/pen also leaves faint indentations as well as the chalk marks so there's a reference guide.
might speed up the process a teensy bit.
great blog! found you thru 'craft gossip' emails.