Hello there! No I haven't forgotten about my blog or you dear readers... Believe it or not, I've actually been busy finding my aloha! A sudden series of events led up to me doing the craziest thing I have ever done. I bought a plane ticket to Hawaii leaving the same day! Crazy right? So how exactly did this happen? Well, we usually go back to Hawaii every May, but this year we weren't going to able to with the big move and all and especially now that our son is 2 and we have to start paying for his plane tickets. I cannot explain to you how bummed I was. :( But, yesterday, my husband was on-call and got summoned for a emergency business trip to guess where? Hawaii. You can probably imagine my angst realizing that my husband would be missing our wedding anniversary AND be in Hawaii with out ME! I was quite distraught until my husband suggested that we join him! Woo Hoo!!! He left on the next flight out and my son and I hopped on a plane 11 hours later. INSANE-O!! As of right now I am not even sure when we return, as I bought a one way ticket, but I do have some fun projects to share when I do get back. I have been trying to finish up some projects before we have our first out-of-state guests come in June. Nothing like guests coming to light a fire under you right? I have been chugging away at completing my son's new big boy room. He is still obsessed with trains so I'll give you one guess what the theme is ;) Its been a lot of fun to approach creating his space from his perspective. I have also been working on the guest room, and 3 months after moving in I can FINALLY say the living room is done! I just need to photograph it when I get back and it will be ready to share!
So if you don't mind, just hang tight and I'll be back with more design inspiration but for now I am recharging and devoting quality time to my dear son and hubby.
Here are a couple snapshots in hopes that they bring some aloha to your day...