Aloha everyone, I'm back! I was blessed to spend the last two weeks in Hawaii. Even though my husband was working the entire time, we still had a great time and it was exactly what the doctor ordered. I needed that! My son and I took a couple space available military flights home this week so we would be here in time for our first out of town guests (my sister and her boyfriend). My husband is still in Hawaii for an undetermined amount of time. We miss him especially as we prepare to entertain our guests alone. I am suffering from some severe jet lag and I'm barely finding the energy to clean, let alone tackle all my projects. While I muster the energy, I thought I'd entertain you with some pictures from our trip.
We spent a majority of our time on Oahu, but we got the opportunity to spend a couple days on the Big Island in Kona. I made the most of my time, and hit up all the coffee plantations I could from the time I stepped off the plane til sunset! I was in HEAVEN!
Kona coffee plantation- Mountain Thunder |
Kona coffee berries! |
Coffee flowers. Did you know that gardenias are a part of the coffee plant family? No wonder I love them both! |
The difference between the defects (right hand) and the beans that make it into the private reserve (left hand) |
Beans waiting to be sorted. |
The roasting room. This place smelled like a dream! |
Kona coffee!! |
The next day, I drove my son and I to a black sand beach and happened upon about a dozen or so wild sea turtles!! So exciting!
Warning: You are about to see alot of turtle pictures! They are so cool!
Ok, ok... last turtle picture...I PROMISE! :)
Black sand beach on the Big Island |
Mount Kilauea at Volcanoes National Park |
Lava tubes at Volcanoes National Park |
Nadia (Livin' La Vida Aloha) and I tried to meet up a couple times while I was on Oahu, but unfortunately it didnt happen this trip. :( That would have been soooo neat to meet one of my comrade bloggers! She is just the sweetest thing! Next time, hopefully it wont be such a last minute thing and we can plan it out!
Well, just wanted to poke my head in and say "I'm back" and share a couple pictures. Hope they brought some aloha to your day! I'll be back later with my train artwork for my son's new big boy room. Have a great weekend!