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Friday, December 2, 2011

Our Christmas Home 2011

I am back with a quick tour of this year's decor. I don't have every room ready to tour yet, but we will start with what I have outside, the family room, and ofcourse the tree!

Here we are on the front porch with a shot of the door and my wreath. 

I waited for the after-Christmas sales last year and scored two wreaths to hang off the carriage lights flanking
 our garage. I carefully selected these wreaths for their frosty blue colors. Red and green just seem to clash 
on a blue house, and we just couldn't have that going on ;o)

And, looking out off the back porch, I decided to decorate in the trees and the shed. 
Who decorates their shed? 

Yep, me! haha

The red ornaments are plastic and about 5" in diameter. I scored a bunch of them at The Dollar Tree 
last year. Usually I put them on the base of our huge indoor Christmas tree but this year I opted to put them
 outside instead. I am glad I did. It's so festive to look out at them while we have breakfast in the dining room.

Brr... are you cold just looking at these pictures? Well, if you aren't you should be! 
It was some negative degree when I snapped these. Let's warm up inside!

The tree... all twelve feet of it!

Another angle on the tree. I always weave small white lights among all the branches and then we add a swirl
 of large colored lights. I love to mix the sizes of bulbs on a tree, it adds texture and interest. My husband 
loves to have colored lights on the tree. He says it feels like a family tree when we use colored lights. I fight it
 some years, but it seemed especially fitting this year and I liked the retro vibe the chunky colored bulbs give it.

The stockings are new to us this year. I picked them up at the Pottery Barn outlet
 while I was in Texas and I cut out our names in felt and hand stitched them with embroidery floss to our 
stockings. They are a quilted velvet and I love them!

I put up some long needle garland on the mantle along with the red lantern in honor of the Alaska Iditarod. 
I tried to keep all my Christmas decor rustic and fitting with the chalet-chic look I am going for in the rest 
of the family room.

Instead of bringing in a lot of specifically Christmas items, I just gave our existing decor a little bit of cheer.
 Doesn't our eagle look so festive and cheery now?

Even our moose is feeling festive this year :o)

Here you can see more of my Christmas throw pillows making their yearly debut.

This year we have an Elf among us. 
"Wilson" as our son named him, seems to be pretty happy with how the decor is looking :o)

And here's one last shot from the loft.

So, its coming along. I hope to share my advent project soon and finish up decorating in our bedroom and the bathroom. This weekend is my son's 3rd birhtday party and it is keeping me very busy! In homage to my son's obsession with trains, we are doing a Polar Express theme! He is going to flip! I hope to great some great pictures and share that next week. Have a great weekend y'all!

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Beautiful and oh so cozy! Loving the posts :)

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